An alternate and inclusive retail model for Durban

Compiled by Tasmi Quazi & Zoe Horn Project Leader of Asiye eTafuleni (AeT), Richard Dobson, has written an opinion-editorial article which appeared in the local newspaper, the Sunday Tribune Business KZN supplement, on 8 December 2013 on page 6 under the theme “Planning”. The article was prompted by the need for more open debate about … Read more

Critique from the Streets: The Parallels between Turkey, Brazil and South Africa

Richard Dobson & Tasmi Quazi The state approaches to the determined pursuit of “world class” urbanism without adequate public participation, and the ensuing protests in both Brazil and Turkey of late, are corroborating the South African experience. Namely, how damaging this approach is to basic service provision for lower socio-economic groups of society. The increased … Read more

AeT Featured in ‘Spark’ Newsletter for Igniting Local Action

Tasmi Quazi Asiye eTafuleni’s (AeT) work in the realm of inclusive urban planning and design was featured in Spark Newsletter (March 2013, Issue 7, pages 15 and 16). AeT’s work appeared under the theme “Public Participation”, including an excerpt on its Markets of Warwick community tourism project which received a Mayoral Award of Excellence in … Read more