During the COP 17 duration, Asiye eTafuleni (AeT) and the informal recycling community of the Palmer Street Collection Point, located within walking distance from the International Convention Centre (ICC) which is hosting the COP 17 discussions, has made a call out to all individuals, officials, delegates, formal and informal professionals, campaigners and students interested to participate in mitigating Climate Change – by donating paper and cardboard waste to the Informal Recyclers.
The two events have been scheduled for 30 November 2011 and 7 December 2011 at the Palmer Street Collection Point on 152 Palmer Street between 9.30 – 10.30 am. The later timing was based on the relative timing of the ‘buy-back’ truck which comes daily to buy the cardboard waste from the recyclers and which visitors will get to experience.
In the process of donating paper and cardboard waste, the visitors will be able to contribute to improving the livelihood of an informal recycler and learn about this valuable livelihood strategy that is a part of the green economy and which contributes to a zero-waste environment. There will also be presentations made by AeT staff and the Recyclers from the streets, where the recycling work happens. In addition, visitors will be able to view the Priority Zone project which is exhibiting work showcasing Climate Change innovation, including their own innovative roof garden.

The concept for this programme has arisen from the Imagine Durban Inner-city Cardboard Recycling Project that has been on-going for two years. The Project has been aimed at improving the livelihood prospects of inner-city recyclers in the eThekwini Municipality. The Project is being implemented by eThekwini-based NGO AeT, and is being funded by the eThekwini Municipality’s Imagine Durban project, which receives funding support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) through Vancouver-based NGO Sustainable Cities International.

This Project targeted two groups of existing inner-city informal recyclers and tested a number of interventions, including providing the recyclers with more sophisticated and ergonomic trolleys to transfer their materials. In addition, the Project has established a “Friends of the Recyclers” to enhance cooperation with local businesses, and by introducing identification cards and uniforms to improve the image and status of recyclers.
Please RSVP to Tasmi Quazi if you are interested to attend this event or by calling 031 309 3880, and feel free to spread the word. For view the photos from the 1st event, click here.
To read more about the Project, click on the following links: