Tasmi Quazi
The final piece on the Markets of Warwick Junction written by Kristin Neudorf for Open City Projects features the Bovine Head Market. With her usual perceptive outlook, she writes:
“Durban’s Bovine Head Market is a fascinating blend of old customs and modern urban design. As the name implies, the market’s entire existence revolves around cows’ heads, which are boiled to make a special soup that is served up with dumplings, and considered to be “a food of the gods”. Traditionally this Zulu delicacy was exclusively prepared by and served to men, but over time this age-old custom has become more inclusive, with women cooking and eating it too…
…I entered the market with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, but the cooks’ pride in their art and their camaraderie gave the place a festive feel and I quickly overcame my squeamishness. As with many of the other markets in Durban, careful attention has been given to creating a safer and healthier space for both cooks and customers.”
Click here to read the full article. To read the other informative and entertaining pieces in the series written by Kristin, click on the links below:
To experience the award-winning Markets of Warwick community tourism project for yourself or a group, click here.