Economic Conditions in Warwick Junction

Sarah Heneck The post festive-season glow was evidently lacking in Warwick Junction in January 2020. We interviewed a number of traders in a number of the different markets and while some traders were able to proudly say that they had had a fantastic December, the majority of traders in our sample were quick to say … Read more

Enabling Structures: Markets of Warwick Junction

An exhibition on Durban’s contribution to city making, that also celebrates the diverse livelihoods represented by the markets which form a substantial part of Durban’s local economy. The exhibition Enabling Structures: Markets of Warwick Junction by designworkshop:sa and Asiye eTafuleni, was originally showcased at the 2016 International Architecture Exhibition Biennale in Venice, Italy, and viewed … Read more

Non-Motorised Transport Operators: Integral Linkages in the Informal Economy

Sarah Heneck With the world’s ever-expanding urban population and the need to focus on environmentally friendly modes of transport in order to decrease carbon emissions, non-motorized transport (NMT) has become a major focus for city planners. Those who use cycling and walking as their means of commuting to and from work are generally at the … Read more

An Unnoticed Urban Curiosity

Wood salvagers transporting their materials to the mealie cooks. Photo: Angie Buckland by permission Asiye eTafuleni. Sarah Heneck Growing up in a South African city, the informal economy is something that one cannot help but be aware of, however, I have only recently been exposed to the depth and complexities of this undervalued sector of … Read more

Ma Violet and the Gatekeepers of Warwick Junction

Rhonda Douglas The lime and impepho (herb incense) market in Warwick Junction offers a cool respite from the heat of a Durban summer. Tables piled high with balls of chalky white lime and bundles of dry herbs line the open space as traders and customers pass by along a walkway through the centre. Sunlight filters … Read more

Reflecting on 2018: Part 2

Rebecca Plumbley As we reach the end of 2018, we look back on ten significant projects and events that happened this year. This is Part 2 of the list. 6. Herb Market Fire On the 29th of July a fire destroyed around a third of the Traditional Herb and Medicine Market, burning the stock and … Read more