AeT’s Renewed Vision: Inclusive Urban Design & Planning as a Driver of Change

Tasmi Quazi The Asiye eTafuleni (AeT) team appeared in the weekly edition of the Mail & Guardian newspaper as one of the highlights of the past 25 years of its annual “Investing in the Future and Drivers of Change” Awards platform. Under 2011, the article shows a picture of the AeT team at the awards … Read more

Collaborative Design: An Alternate Way

Tasmi Quazi Collaborative Design: An Alternate Way, is the title and proposition of an article written by Asiye eTafuleni’s (AeT) Research Officer, as featured in the KZ-NIA Journal 1/2013, from pages 10-13.  It is the feature article in a special journal edition called “Spilt Milk”, an initiative aimed at fostering collaboration and inclusivity between architects … Read more

Markets of Warwick Profiled in Open City Projects

Tasmi Quazi The Markets of Warwick Project was visited by another professional with a perceptive eye and understanding of development, Kristin Neudorf, a public health research consultant and contributor to the Open City Projects. With a fresh perspective to urban design and planning, Open City Projects aims to elevate the role of public space in … Read more

AfriSam-South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) Sustainable Architecture Awards

By Tasmi Quazi At the 2012 AfriSam-SAIA awards ceremony for Sustainable Architecture held in Johannesburg on the 3rd of October, Asiye eTafuleni’s (AeT) Inner-city Cardboard Recycling Project was commended for contributing to sustainable architecture in South Africa.  Being recognised at a national level within the architectural fraternity, provides a greater impetus in highlighting the role … Read more