Kanyenathi (and Newsletters)

The Kanyenathi project, in which traders were trained to identify and prioritise their infrastructure needs, was carried out over 3 years and ended in 2017. Having identified their needs, the intention was to then enable a process for the informal workers to engage with the City on an ongoing basis. Whilst the research project is now … Read more

“Qeda usizi” end [our] suffering: improving the lives of street cooks – Part 2

Phumelele Mkhize and Trang Luu (follow on from Part 1) The horizontal stove design emerged as an option from the MIT D-Lab, as an iteration of the existing cooking method, combined with learning’s from smoke and fuel efficient stove technologies- such as RocketWorks. The concept design aimed to use existing materials and technical insight to … Read more

“Qeda usizi” end our suffering: improving the lives of street cooks – Part 1.

Phumelele Mkhize and Trang Luu Freshly cooked mealies (corn-on-the-cob) are an essential Durban street food staple – they’re healthy, affordable and conveniently accessible to the local commuter population. Over the years, the preparation of mealies in the inner city has developed incrementally- from the hazard of large open fire cooking on city pavements, to a designated site … Read more

Towards Self Sufficiency: Community-based Tourism Opportunities for Informal Traders in Durban, South Africa

By Elise Selinger and Danya Sherman for Massachusetts Institute of Technology on 15 June 2015 How do informal traders, long denied equitable opportunities for resources, space, and infrastructure, take advantage of a growing tourist market without compromising their cultural heritage? What kind of institution can best support traders’ skills building and financial self-sufficiency, and how … Read more

Kanyenathi: Participatory Infrastructure Audit with Informal Workers

Tasmi Quazi Kanyenathi meaning “with us” in isiZulu, is the Comic Relief funded project that is being implemented by Asiye eTafuleni across 3 years and 3 informal economy districts in Durban. It was kicked off in October 2014 with a series of community engagements (read more here). From March to July 2015 however, a major … Read more